Säkra betalningar med Klarna

Leveranser inom 2-5 arbetsdagar



International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

Fattigdom är en global utmaning, och det krävs en global insats för att tackla den. På Rutasoka har vi tagit på oss uppgiften att göra skillnad på gräsrotsnivå. Vi tror på hållbara, långsiktiga lösningar som lyfter samhällen och skapar en väg ut ur fattigdom.


Celebrating World Environment Day:

World Environment Day is an occasion of global significance that encourages individuals, organizations, and communities to take action and raise awareness about environmental issues. As a sustainable food company, we recognize the vital role we play in shaping a greener future.


The Power of Fair Trade Practices

Fair trade practices have emerged as a powerful force for positive change in the global economy. By prioritizing fairness, sustainability, and social justice, fair trade practices foster a mutually beneficial relationship between consumers and producers, while challenging exploi<tative trade practices.


Dried fruits of East Africa

Rutasoka lanserar sin mix av torkade frukter, Tunda, från Östafrika i Lidl-butiker i hela Sverige. Tunda är en blandning av smakrik torkade mango, ananas och banan, som odlas av bönder i Östafrika. Rutasoka samarbetar med lokala producenter för att säkerställa att inga frukter kastas bort på grund av bristande tillgång till marknader, något som påverkar både miljön och böndernas inkomster.


Easter Bundles

We're excited to announce our Easter packages, packed with everything you need for a delicious and festive holiday breakfast. Our exclusive packages include a variety of items that cater to all your breakfast needs, including coffee, tea, granola, muesli, mixed nuts, and jackfruit.


Empowering a woman is empowering humanity

Delictable foods was founded by Sempeyo Kudate, based in Nairobi, Kenya and it?s wholly women owned and has endeavored to work with women as a company policy. 90% of their workforce is women from different ages and walks of life.


Even popular superfruits may need saving

Mango is a popular fruit worldwide, which is due to the sweet taste and all its positive properties. But due to the lack of access to the market, about half of all mangoes are subject to post harvest loss. It is not sustainable - for the farmer, for the planet or for us, who want to enjoy a healthy and nutritious snack...


Africa Day 2022

We hope that you've had a lovely Easter in happy company, and what a joy that the Easter bunny got us some sunshine in his Easter eggs too - now we're just keeping our fingers crossed that this beautiful weather is here to stay...


Thank you for a lovely Easter

We hope that you've had a lovely Easter in happy company, and what a joy that the Easter bunny got us some sunshine in his Easter eggs too - now we're just keeping our fingers crossed that this beautiful weather is here to stay...


Together we have saved lives

Redan i Rutasokas tidigaste skede stod det klart att vi hade möjliggjort för en klinik med inriktning mödravård...