Det vackra området Minova i norrdöstra Kongo har gett namn till vårt ekologiskt mellanrostade kaffe. Den pigga och lätt syrliga smaken med nyanser av nypon passar dig som föredrar en lätt rostning. Kaffets lite söta karaktär och runda eftersmak med len ton av hasselnöt gör det dessutom till en riktigt fikafavorit!
Rutasoka-kaffe rostas varsamt genom metoden slow-roast. Rostningen tar fram de unika och delikata smakerna ur de utvalda kvalitetsbönorna. Vilket ger en balanserad smak och fantastiskt crema.
100% ekologiskt och rättvist Arabica-kaffe från Demokratiska Republiken Kongo
Super fast and always available! Make a big batch of cold brew on our medium roast coffee, and you’ll have coffee all week.
Cold brewing coffee is amazing and as easy as it is good, smooth and without bitterness. Measure out 1 dl of coarsely ground coffee in a jar or pitcher with a lid. Pour over 8 dl of cold water and stir. Put the lid on and let the brew steep in the fridge for 18-24 hours. Strain the coffee through a sieve or coffee filter. If necessary, strain several times to remove the grounds (if the coffee is too finely ground, it may be difficult to remove all the grounds). Now the coffee is ready to be enjoyed just as it is.
Tip! It is also possible to use a pressure pot to cold brew coffee, for a slightly stronger cup take 2-3 dl of coffee for 8 dl of water. Leave overnight. Press – if you want the coffee hot, heat it in the microwave for 3 minutes on medium heat. Also, try adding half a cinnamon stick and a clove to the brew and you’ll get a coffee on a whole new level.
With our circular business model, we build sustainable and scalable value chains that benefit both producers and customers, without endangering the planet.
By opening the market to East African producers, we enable producers to restore their professional pride, develop plantations, and create employment, leading to economic stability, independence, security, and improved living standards for their families.